It really made an impact for the better.” The team was careful not to post nudity, which isn’t allowed on Instagram. Sexuality is within all of us, embedded, and as such we want to reach actual human beings. “That direct contact was really important. “It allowed many people to discover themselves and stream into a space where they can find a community and like-minded people,” says Verboten. The platform has been an integral part of Klub Verboten’s success, says Verboten. Klub Verboten, founded in 2016, has a team of 70 freelancers and 50 safety staff, and has developed into a “community for modern human interaction,” with more than 70,000 followers on Instagram.

Your account is not visible to people on Instagram right now, and you cannot use it.” On the morning of June 22, Karl Verboten tried to log into the Instagram account for Klub Verboten, his London kink space and fortnightly party, but was met with the message: "We suspended your account.