You can see in the screenshot the new menu interface. In this DBZ TTT MOD you will see fully permanent fix Menu with new Style. Thanos:- Thanos is a strongest Character of Marvel Comic and now you can play with Thanos in this DBZ TTT MOD. Shenron :- You will see Shenron new fan made form in this mod. You will also see Sasuke in this DBZ TTT MOD. Naruto have new Attacks like Anime style.

Naruto :- You will see new and Perfect model of Naruto in this Mod. You will also see Goku Ultra Instinct and Jiren real Anime attacks. Goku and Jiren Fusion :- This is going to be very power full Fusion in Dragon Ball super so friends in this DBZ TTT MOD you can do fusion between Goku Ultra Instinct and Jiren. You will see Goku SSJ to SSJ5 and SSJ infinity, SSJ10, God, Blue, and Ultra Instinct also available. Goku have so many forms like DBS Goku, GT Goku, AF Goku, CC Goku and Xen Goku.

You will also see New Attacks Goku and Broly and fusion Character. After fusion you will see Legendary Fusion Characters. Goku and Broly Fusion :- You can do fusion Dance between Goku and DBS Broly. In this mod Black future Trunks and Black kid Trunks also have. You will also see Black Goku, Black Vegeta, Black Gogeta and Black Vegito new Transformations and Attacks. You can do Potara and Fusion Dance Fusion between Black Goku and Black Vegeta. Black Goku And Vegeta Fusion :- This is new fusion feature added in this DBZ TTT MOD.